HTML headings

HTML headings


An important part of HTML language is to learn about HTML headings. Here, at our website (website name) we will help you in understanding that what is it and how it can be used professionally to develop the webpage. We make it easier for you to correctly use it to increase your website’s presentation.

What are HTML headings?

The titles or subtitles which you need to show on a webpage are called HTML heading. The major purpose of these headings is to show your content on your webpage to look more beautiful and systematic. For example:



Grand Son

This shows clearly that Son and Grand Son are how related to each other as well as related to the father.

If it was written in such way:



Grand Son

It could not have solved our purpose to explain clearly what we want to say.

What are the types of HTML headings?

There are six types of HTML headings. These are:

H1 heading

The H1 tag is normally used for the name of a web page or blog and it is far the primary header seen on a web page. The formatting of an h1 normally differs from the other header tags determined on a web page (such as h2, h3, h4).

H2 heading

Relevant Header 2(H2) courses site visitors to a particular segment of net content.

H3 heading

This HTML tag(H3) defines the 3rd stage heading withinside the HTML document. This tag is likewise usually known as the “H3 element”.

H4 heading

Like another heading, it has the fourth stage of heading and less value of pt than H3 and a bigger value than H5 headings.

H5 heading

The H5 heading(H5) tag exemplifies a stage five heading in an HTML document.

H6 heading

It is the lowest value heading holding the sixth stage heading of a webpage. It defines the least important heading in a webpage. It is simple to say the bigger heading is most important.

How to write a code for headings?

There are two simple ways to write a heading tag:


your heading


Heading 1

Here comes a big question: “Do H1 and H2 tags really affect SEO and my website rankings?” The answer is not directly. However, the relevance of the headings with your content on the website impacts it a lot. For example, if your webpage is about telling a ghost story however you are giving heading of it as “How to meet God?” then it is irrelevant. The visitors who want to know about meeting god will surely come to your page if you want to clickbait them but eventually, they will not stay on it for a long time. This will surely be judged by the search engines your visitors are using and your website’s ranking will be downgraded. Also, there should be relevance between H1 and H2 headings because H2 can be called a subheading of your website. Let us say your website is about flowers and you are putting H2 with animal description then it would not be correct right?


Html headings are of excellent significance withinside the improvement of HTML pages. Headings in webpages carry out quite a whole lot of the identical features as they do in a print format. However, in terms of web pages, headings are not pretty much appearance. They additionally assist engines like google to locate the page. Google scans your put-up for content material applicable to the searched words and appears inside the heading tags to peer what the content material is all about. We must make it less complicated for Google to locate the ones words.