HTML Tables

HTML Tables

A HTML tag <table> used for create table in in webpage. A table is a combination of rows and columns. Tables are useful for various tasks such as presenting text information and numerical data in a good manner. The HTML table allows us to display data like, text, images, links, forms, form fields etc in a table format.
In html table is defined with <table> Tag. A table is combination of Rows and Columns where <tr> tag stands for table row and <td> tag stands for table data.
<table style=”width:100{3efbb526246aaec38312d6e73afc2f433b8d351ebd101f023565b4bfb6a2ac38}”>
Table Tag Attributes

Cellpadding : cellpadding adjust the white space between table cell border and its content.

cellspacing : cellspacing adjust the white space between table cells.
Colspan : span multiple columns

Rowspan : attribute to span multiple rows in a table.